Zombie's Retreat v1.0.0 is Available NOW!
Hey everyone!
Today's the big day! Zombie's Retreat has officially launched for Windows & Android devices for it's final major release!
== How to Download ==
When you purchase the game, you should get access to three versions of the game:
1. Windows Version
2. Android Version
3. Legacy Version (PC version but uses old character busts)
If you are looking to purchase the game on Steam, that version is coming later in November! It has to go through the appropriate review processes first and if all goes well, I should get the green light to publish it there as well so stay tuned for that announcement!
== $5+ Patrons ==
If you are currently pledging $5 or more on the ZR Patreon page, make sure to create an itch account and use this link: $5+ Patreon Link
If everything is configured, you should get a download key to receive the new content at a slightly cheaper rate. Since this update doesn't have the usual $5+ Beta test window, I wanted to make sure there was still a perk for the tier.
This feature will end starting in December where Zombie's Retreat 2 perks should start taking over the Patreon page.
== v1.0.0 ==
In case you are curious about what's in the update, this one was mostly focused around polishing and rounding up the content. There is a new costume, some refreshed character busts, & more scenes but my main focus was making sure the game feels complete.
It was quite a lot to work on in a short time so in case of any bugs or any glaring issues I will still be able to update the game as usual with fixes!
Overall, I had a blast working on this game for the last time and I hope you all have enjoyed the journey as well! I still receive questions about this frequently but yes- Zombie's Retreat 2 will be happening haha.
That's everything! It's been an absolute pleasure to work on this game and share it with you all. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for the series but we'll get there when the time comes. Which... tbh is gonna start pretty much immediately after ZR1 lol... Scarlett already has 4 character's designed X_X
Thank you all so much and I will see you all soon with possible bug fixes OR some ZR2 news ;)
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Zombie's Retreat
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So yeah, great project, been following along for ages. Just waiting on the Steam release to throw my money at you...
Seriously though, what's the deal with the Steam release? Happy to throw my money at you, just prefer to do so on Steam...
can't wait for new updates and zombie's retreat 2 to be released
I will always support you
i cant wait steam version
is it going to be free eventually or always to pay
just support siren u cheap fuck lul
That's not an option for everybody you ignorant fuck 'lul'
太搞笑了兄弟 Lol
I am gonna buy this on Steam at November